Equipment vendors & dealers, our equipment leasing programs will help you close more sales! Our equipment vendor programs provide financing for ALL of your clients, not just your well established A & B credit clients. If you are tired of working with leasing companies that will only provide financing for your “A” credit clients, then you need to call us!
We work to find solutions!
We will not only finance your “A” credit clients (and get them great rates!),but we have several innovative equipment leasing programs that allow us to finance your “B &C” credit clients and of course We finance start ups!
We will provide your company with: * 100% financing for all equipment (including 100% shipping and installation) * Financing your clients nationwide * Very competitive rates! * Fast credit approvals * Fast funding to your company * Startup business financing * Bad credit business financing * Secured business loans * Prefunding for approved equipment dealers
We get lease approvals when many companies say NO! By working closely with you and your clients we are able to put together a strong financial package and give your client every possible advantage!.
click here to sign up for our equipment vendor program
Factoring – We provide working capital for your business with the use of your account receivables. Getting the money right away without additional debt and without having to wait to collect it yourself.
Our competitive rates, flexible credit guidelines, innovative equipment leasing programs and our commitment to provide you with the best customer service in the industry just too name a few!
We will give you great rates, provide equipment leasing for your start up businesses, and for your clients with PAST credit problems.
We will work with you and your clients to get them financed! Call us for more information 1-888-308-7160